Lifestyle Design and the New Economy

Meeting Information

Lifestyle design and the New Economy.
Join us for the first of our four-part on how to live the life you always wanted.

JP is a Bakersfield born and raised citizen of the world. He's traveled the world and now returns to live with family and share his experiences.
In the areas of health, wealth creation, and lifestyle design.

Come for a fun and informative evening where you will walk away with new perspectives that may inspire you into taking action with confidence on some of the dreams you've set aside for later.

Pt #1 Learn to earn: How to use technology to design a profitable and productive life.
Pt #2 Learn to invest: How to leverage existing platforms for saving and investing
Pt#3 Learn to eat: Creating a healthy work-life balance through nutrition.
Pt#4 Learn to live: Defining your lifestyle

Ice Breaker
Mission / Vision
Feature Presentation
Define the gig economy
Interview questions
Actions Items
Questions & Answers
Networking / Hot seat


Mesh Cowork

2005 Eye Street Suite #5 (Above Dagny's )


You may park along EYE Street and 20th street

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