Community Membership

At MESH, we’re all about community and utilizing our fellow entrepreneurs to grow. With a community membership you have access to the entire database of MESH members through community lists and chat rooms. This is the perfect place to ask questions, bounce ideas around, or get to know amazing people! This membership includes community announcements with information on events and opportunities that interest freelancers and small business owners.

Photographer:  Website: 

What's Included

Ask Questions
Learn From the Community
Have a 24/7 direct line to 100 + other
community members, using our online
community list & chat rooms. You can ask questions,
share ideas, or just socialize and
meet amazing people.
Learn what's happening in the community! 
Our private member chat includes announcements
 about events and opportunities, interviews 
with community members about their 
experiences, and more.

Come to Events
Come to free/discounted events every month:
community meals, show and tell, and more.
Participate in group activities and field trips
throughout Bakersfield

Get to drop by our coworking space every
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for a fun, productive workday.
And much, much more.

Our Community Membership is $30 / Month